My toolsTweezers von Oliveraktualisiert amJuni 25, 2023Juni 25, 2023 I got this tweezers at a flea market in Porto de Ravenna. New for 5 Euros each. The quality looks very good.
My toolsTesting to modeling and milling a ornament von Oliveraktualisiert amDezember 13, 2022Dezember 13, 2022 The ornament is created with Blender.
My toolsClamps von Oliveraktualisiert amOktober 24, 2022Oktober 24, 2022 These clamps i bought in a 1-Euro-Shop. Each for 1.30€
Le Redoutable 1/48 Building log My toolsThe construction of a height adjustable workbench for 45 euros von Oliveraktualisiert amOktober 23, 2022Oktober 16, 2022